Hi friends! It’s been a while since I’ve told you what’s happening in my life. While I love posting about books and hearing your thoughts, I figured I’d tell you a little bit about my summer.
Work has been busy! I’ve been to New York, New York twice this summer for work conferences. They always say it’s the “city so nice, they named it twice,” but I’ve got to say—“nice” is one adjective I wouldn’t necessarily select for Manhattan. I’m sure most of you have been there, and would agree that it’s more “chaotic,” or “frenzied,” or even “smelly.” But, of course, none of those fit neatly into the rhyme. Our company recently moved into a new office space in downtown Denver with a lovely open floor plan and a lot of natural light. It’s an amazing space, but as it turns out, setting up an office with furniture, internet, etc, is a busy job! For those of you who have administrative assistants or office managers, don’t take them for granted!
Mr. Perfect sold his house within three days of listing it, which was exciting in Denver’s crazy real estate market. Leading up to the sale was a lot of cleaning and moving, organizing and fixing. But the closing date is this week, so there is an end in sight! After that’s done, we get to start looking for a home together. I’m not sure yet what we’ll end up buying—whether it will be a starter home or a “forever” home—but I’ll be sure to update you with pictures once we decide on something.
Over Labor Day, we visited Fisher’s Island and participated in the Harbor Open Golf tournament. I use the word “participated” loosely, as the amount of drinking taking place at said tournament makes real participation a challenge. But it’s all part of the fun! We got plenty of beach time, and celebrated Mr. Perfect’s grandfather’s 90th birthday. His grandmother also just finished reading my books!
Since I started writing, I’ve noticed that most people have a similar reaction when they hear I’ve written a book.
Other Person (OP): You’ve written two books? That’s amazing! How do you even write a book?
Me: Yep, two books. And I’m not sure how you write a book. Like Nike says, “Jus’ do it!” Maybe. Shrugs.
OP: Doesn’t that take a really long time? I wouldn’t know where or how to start.
Now, I usually just smile and nod at that point. But what I SHOULD say is this:
Me: Yep, it takes a really long time. And I never know where to start. Actually, I sat at my computer and drank wine for about an hour last night, and couldn’t figure out where to begin. The more wine I drank, the harder time I had remembering what the book was even about. Finally, I just shut my computer and went to bed.
All of this leads me (finally) to a point. Book #3 is under way! With all of the updates above, it’s been hard getting started and feeling ready to begin another adventure. But I have a feeling it’s going to be better than the first two.
Hold onto your pantaloons!
S. M. Peterson